Sunday, 12. November 2006

French evening in the youth center JAM

Yesterday we organised a fine little french evening in the JAM.

I bought some french chesse, french vine and "bien sur", des baguettes.
Look at the photo gallery. There are some beautiful pictures on our typical
french style evening. :))

We talked about the projekt and the exchange. We already have 12 people, who are interested to do the exchange. Not to bad.



Sunday, 29. October 2006

New Photos

I just uplaoded some photos in the Mouvaux Gallerie.
I still wait for your first "story entry" Anne. And by the way, where is Sonia?
Sonia get connected to our superbe blog:))

No "blagues" today, to tired to search :)


Monday, 9. October 2006

The official partner photo


No I'm just joking, première blague, but it really looks kind of official. Anyway, on this photo you can see Anne and Sonia, my EU youth exchange partners. Vive Combrai et Schruns!


Salut Anne!
Salut Sonia!

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french evening !
Very good idea to organize this sort of evening, but...
Anne Lernon - 15. Nov, 08:50
French evening in the...
Yesterday we organised a fine little french evening...
Daniel Furxer - 12. Nov, 18:43
New Photos
I just uplaoded some photos in the Mouvaux Gallerie....
Daniel Furxer - 29. Oct, 10:58
quelle surpise
Bienvenue sur notre blog, c'est cool que ca fonctionne. Alors...
Daniel Furxer - 24. Oct, 09:53
Quelle belle photo!! It is very difficult to understand...
Anne Lernon - 23. Oct, 21:56




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